Perhaps this is a very good example of the placebo effect but there's something about these elderflower-flavored pastilles that set me at ease. I'm not about to go into a long explanation of flower essences and how, according to some, they have healing properties because I'm sure I'll screw up some details. You can find a lot of info online and in books about this branch of homeopathy.
For these pastilles, please visit: » Bach Rescue Pastilles.
And I wanted to thank those who have commented on this blog! Regarding your questions about recipes, I can only, at the moment, refer to those that are listed in the right-side of the page. A lavender sugared-rim (on a Lavender Mojito, for example) is probably a mixture of fine sugar and dried lavender flowers...beyond that, I'm not sure! I haven't done a lot of experimenting lately, making candy and such. If anyone has any good links they'd like to share, please leave a comment. :)